Thursday, February 24, 2011

Photo Challenge- Day 4

Day 04 - A picture of your night

typically  my nights are the same.....

playing with cole after dinner

After bath time we get our PJ's on and Cole picks out a book ( or two...  or three! ) .

After we read a few books Cole puts the book back into the bin and then he gets to pick out 2 paci's from the basket . One for his mouth and one to put in his crib just in case he loses the one in his mouth during the night. He has become quite halerious when he picks out his paci. He has to sit in the same spot ( with his back up against the ottoman )and he now wants to hold the basket. 
After Cole is done picking out his 2 paci's , he puts one in his crib by "teddy" and then grabs his lovey. We cut on his sound spa and the projection on the ceiling , and it is off to sleepy land Cole goes. This is truely one of my favorite times with Cole. He is still ( which doesn't happen very often during the day). During this time I pray over him and ask God to watch over him, keep him safe.

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