Friday, December 25, 2009

Oliver The Elf

Oliver the elf has become a part of our family the past month. Bailey has really enjoyed looking for him every morning. He has been all over our house and we have throughly enjoyed him! Bailey wrote him a few letters and Oliver even wrote back!

This was Oliver's first apperance at our house!

Mike asked Bailey to clean his room one day and Bailey decided to shove everything under his bed and that was his idea of "cleaning"! LOL Well the Oliver sees EVERYTHING so Oliver decided to pull everything out from under the bed and teach Bailey a lesson! :)

One night Oliver decided to play in the kitchen and get into the flour! :)

We are looking forward to Oliver returning from the North Pole next year! We will miss him !  :) 

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Cate, Hank, Brady & Owen said...

Wow. Oliver is a bit more adventurous than George, our elf. George barely remembered to appear in a new location each morning...