Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to send a quick update on my pregnancy.The week of Thanksgiving I got the news that I have gestational diabetes. THis was not the news I wanted to hear, especially being right here around the holidays! I have been put on a diet and have to check my blood sugars 5 times a day! Let me tell you... that does not get easier with time! :) I have been back to the doctor since and he says my measurements are good and I will continue to see them every 2 weeks. At 38 weeks they will do another ultrasound to make sure Baby Bean is not too big. If so, they will induce me 2 weeks early.

We have also been contemplating a name. We have agreed on Carter! We are now trying to figure out what the rest of his name will be:) Names are tough!

Carter's furnature comes in on Friday. I am so excited! I can't wait for it to get here! I will make sure I post some pictures of the room once it is in and situated.

I hope everyone is doing well and having a great week. I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner! :)


Rachel said...

sorry to hear about the gestational diabetes. Hope it gets less painful as you get used to it. Carter is such a cute name!

Cate, Hank, Brady & Owen said...

I hate to hear about the diabetes! Hang in there, you don't have too much longer!! Can't wait to see Carter's room!

Leslie Spradley said...

Bummer about the diabetes! Like Cate said, hang in there and not TOOO much longer. Make sure you post Carter's room pictures!! Take Care!